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Ruth Vella

Ruth Vella

Omega Real Estate School

2000 January Meeting Attendees Board of Directors Xmas Breakf Toni's Party Candidate Solicitation 2000 Committee Members+BOD 99 Committee Members and BOD 100 FOOD0108 2009 Award Nominees NCCBOR keyholders w/Cecil Acce PS Development - Feb 2011 2000 SHOWCASE Monitors 2005 SC Monitors '99 Education Award Nominees Candidates for 2001 Leadership Special Gen Mem Mtg Jan 2000 99BOD & Committee Chairs


Ruth Vella has been a professional realtor since 1968. Her most cherished awards are 'Realtor's Hall of Fame', 'Realtor Emeritus' 'Omega Tau Rho' ' Educator of the Year for the New Castle County Board of Realtors' Owner and founder of several businesses including The Omega Real Estate School, Heritage Realty, Corporate Fitness,and Your Personal Trainer. Ruth will never totally retire because she loves being a Realtor

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